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Lesson Plan


Title (.1)

Basic Pom Technique and Class

Theme (.2)

Dance Pom

Art Discipline (.2)


 Grade Level (.3)

Fifth Grade

Teacher's Name (.1)

Mia Diffley

Volume (.1)

2. Date (.5 pt)

April 17th


Objective: Learn the basics of the dance style pom. Students will learn the basic motions and placements, and then learn a small combination of these motions to experience what this specific style is like. 

Component: Movement Skills

4. Standard (Competency) (1 pt)

Using different body parts to copy the motions, experimenting with symmetrical and asymmetrical movements, learning how to hear the beat in a song and how to match moves to that. 

5. Plan (Activity) (2 pt)

Stretch and warm up

Basic Pom Motions

-little cinnamon roll, big cinnamon roll

-high V, low V, T

-touchdown, low touchdown, candlesticks, buckets

-right fight, left fight

-daggers, broken T

-right K, left K, right L, left L

Learn small, 4-8count combination that combines these pom motions into a short dance

6. Assessment (1 pt)

-watch group without demonstration

7. Homework (.5 pt)

-no homework

8. Cross-Curriculum Standards (.5 pt)

-memory retention, coordination, counting

9. Differentiation (.5 pt)

10. Technology (.5 pt)

-phone for music

11. Written Component (.5 pt)

n/a for this class

12. Careers Skills ( 1 bonus pt)

Listening, memory, basic rythem/ counting skills

Materials Used:

Just music:

Combo song: One, Two Step- Missy Elliot


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