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Teaching Assessment



Assessments: Types

  • Informal - verbal acknowledgement (formative - questions; summative - chat with instructor)

  • Formal - grades, reflection of what you have learned (formative - immediate quiz; summative - exam)

  • summative - sums up learning that has already happened like tests

  • formative - as it is forming, verifying if learning is happening

  • Point indicator - GPA

  • Percentage - %

  • Letter evaluation by teacher or yourself

  • Self evaluation

BEST R - Body, Energy, Space, Time, Relationship

Lessons with Elements of Dance - 

Lesson Plan:

  • Who am I teaching: 3rd grade

  • Class demographics: 20-25 students; 3 to 5 are more advanced in dance

  • Title: Ballet

  • Subunit: Barré

  • Component: Movement Skills and Underlying Principles

  • Objectives: Demostrates how various body parts leading an action, symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes, even and uneven rhythms, understanding of meter in movement, knows dance steps and positions

  • Competency: using five differerent locomotor movements and at least two nonlocomotor movements the student can create an improvisation based on a personal experience and perform it for his/her classmates. 

  • Activity: basic barré combinations 

  • Learning Objectives: learning basic positions and movements and combining them into combinations

  • Assessment: informal (making corrections/complements/validation)

Activity that will be taught: 

  1. Basic warm up/stretch

  2. First through sixth position

  3. Termiology - pilé/tondué/etc.

  4. Teach small movements

  5. Teach small combinations

  6. Assessment: how do you feel and how they are doing


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