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Behavioral Curriculum


Action Plan:

My beliefs: 

Remember everyone is a different learner and everyone deserves to be taught with respect and patience. I believe the main goal is not about perfecting the final product but enjoying the journey to get there. 

One classroom rule: Always try and give 100% even if it is something out of your comfort zone. 

Class procedures: Raise your hand when you would like to talk or ask a question, turn assignments in on time, pick up after yourself, respect your classmates


8:30-9:15: Math class

9:15-9:20: snack/brain break

9:30-10:15: writing/reading

10:15-10:30: break

10:30-11:30: dance class

11:30-12:30: lunch and recess

12:30-1:15: quiet, individual work

1:15-2:30: science/social studies lesson

2:30: dismissal

10 classroom procedures: 

1) entering classroom

2) exiting classroom 

3) throwing away trash

4) keeping your space organized

5) completing all assignments

6) participation/pay attention in all classes

7) going to the bathroom

8) using the water foutain

9) indivudual/quiet work

10) using classroom supplies

Dance class: 

10:30-10:40: enter class, put things down, pull out the barres, stretch

10:40-11:00: barre exercises (watch and follow)

11:00-11:15: learn new steps

11:15-11:30: review new thigns with videos/worksheets

11:30: dissmissal 

Positive consequences: 

Smiles, clapping, verbally praising

stickers/candy/hand stamps 

Correcting behaviors: 

Level 1: Tell them verbally to stop, making sure to address the specific behavior

Level 2: Pull them aside for conversation, mention calling parents

Level 3: speak to parents and/or principal


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